Professor Retamoso has created websites for all courses that he teaches.
Since Fall 2019, Professor Retamoso has been using for all courses that he teaches:
Zero cost OER Textbook from
Zero cost WEBWORK Homework system.
Zero cost Homework system from:
It is Professor Retamoso’s intention to help students learn Mathematics regardless of their financial status.
Professor Retamoso is an ACCCESS Fellow member of the sixteenth cohort of AMATYC Project ACCCESS.
Professor Retamoso is a Faculty Fellow for the Opening Gateways Faculty Seminar.
Professor Retamoso was selected by The BMCC Technology Learning Community, an NSF-funded project, and the Tech Equity Project to participate in the AI Across the Curriculum (AIAC) Faculty Fellowship program for 2024-2025. This project started in June 2024. So far, Professor Retamoso and professors from other fields have been working collaboratively on the ethical and responsible integration of AI into BMCC courses. As a Calculus instructor, Professor Retamoso will thoughtfully incorporate AI into one of his Calculus classes.
The pilot phase is set for Fall 2024, with full implementation scheduled for Spring 2025, as part of this project Professor Retamoso completed the AI Ethics (MDL-220) and earned a certificate given by IBM SkillsBuild.